
Sunday, 8 July 2012

[FUD 0/37] ☆☆Vulcan Logger☆☆ [100% FUD]

[FUD 0/37] ☆☆Vulcan Logger☆☆ [100% FUD]

Vulcan Logger is a monitoring software that records all keystrokes on a computer. It then securely emails the strokes to a email set by the user. This software is for educational purposes only.

[x] Completely Undetectable(FUD)
[x] Choose SMTP/Port
[x] Choose the Subject of the Email
[x] Send Computer Information
[x] Send Screenshots
[x] Set Interval of emails
[x] Test E-Mail
[x] Choose the Icon
[x] Add to Startup
[x] Melt
[x] Display Error on Run
[x] Choose title/message/type of error
[x] Download on Execute
[x] Website Visitor on Execute
[x] Random variable and function names
[x] Generate strong encryption key
[x] Generate random Assembly
[x] File Pumper
[x] Choose File Name
[x] 27KB output.

Direct Download Link


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